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5 Signs You Need Professional Marketing Help

5 Signs You Need Marketing Help

A lot of businesses try to DIY their marketing – especially when they’re first starting out. Budgets are tight, and we can’t imagine spending money on something “we can easily do ourselves.” 

And that works – at least for a little bit. But if you’re committed to your business and serious about making money, there comes a point when it’s time to hire professional marketing help. 5 Signs You Need Marketing Help

Here are 5 signs you need professional marketing guidance: 

1. Lead generation is stagnant.

You have a fantastic product or service but you’re not getting the leads you know you should. You likely have a messaging problem. People are confused about what you offer and how it can make their life or business better. 

2. Website traffic is down.

People aren’t visiting your website or, if they are visiting, they’re not sticking around. They aren’t reading your site and they certainly aren’t taking action. You need a website review to determine the problem. Is your website unclear? Is it cluttered with too much information? Are you missing a direct call to action? 

3. Your target audience is “all.”

A lot of businesses believe they can serve everyone. While that might be true in theory, your efforts will be much more effective if you focus on a specific audience. Who is your ideal customer or client? Narrow your focus to speak directly to that group. 

4. Your marketing isn’t generating a ROI.

You’ve spent a lot of money on marketing, but you don’t have a real plan. You’re simply throwing things against the wall to see what might work. You tried digital marketing, Facebook ads, direct mail and YouTube videos, yet nothing is working. It’s time to take a step back and figure out the areas that will have the maximum impact for your specific business.

5. You’re spending a ton of time on DIY marketing.

Instead, you should be focused on the aspects of your business that you do well and that will grow your business. Believe me, I get it. I’ve done the same thing. I remember when I finally hired a bookkeeper to manage my QuickBooks. What a relief! I could focus my time and energy on what I do best, not trying to figure out how to reconcile bank statements (definitely not a good use of my time).

OK, you’re thinking that hiring marketing help sounds great, but you’re worried about the cost. You don’t have to hire a full-time staff member if you’re not ready. Start with consulting. I do this often for businesses who simply want advice or to talk about their marketing strategy. We book a one-hour call to talk through their marketing and where they should be putting their efforts. 

Armed with advice and a plan of action, you can determine if you should outsource key elements of your marketing. Remember, you don’t have to do everything at once. A great place to start is with your messaging. Make sure you’re communicating clearly to potential clients and customers before spending more money on a new website, social media ads or a professional video.

Do one or more of these signs fit your business?

Book a one-hour Marketing Strategy Session for $349. Come with your questions and ideas. Get expert advice and guidance on how to make the most of your marketing. 

In this episode of Monday Marketing Minute, Holly talks more about how to determine when you need marketing help. 

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