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A 2022 Marketing Checklist for Your Business

A 2022 Marketing Checklist for Your Business

A 2022 Marketing Checklist for Your Business We can’t help but get excited about the prospect of a new year. The possibilities are endless. LIke you, I’m crafting plans for 2022, rolling out new marketing services and ideas for how I can better help my clients grow their business through clear and powerful marketing copy.

You have revenue goals you want to achieve. You’re building new products or services. You may even want to open a second location or hire additional staff.

Yet, all our fantastic plans hinge on one thing: marketing. If people don’t know what you’re up to, they can’t hire you. They won’t know you have a product or service that can solve their problem.

Businesses don’t typically grow using the “if you build it, they will come” strategy.

If you’re serious about hitting your business goals in 2022, you need to double down on your marketing efforts. Now, if marketing isn’t your area of expertise, don’t panic. You don’t need to sign up for every social media platform and buy pricey billboards. But you do need to focus on three key areas that will allow you to reach new customers and clients as well as reengaging with existing customers and clients.

Your 2022 Marketing Checklist

1. A Clear Website

You know you need a website for your business. It’s your digital front door. And you need to put out the welcome mat so people are invited into a story with you. Many businesses get bogged down in the logistics of their website. They debate WordPress or Wix. They try to figure out what colors and fonts to use. They scour stock photos sites for images. They look for fancy plugins, thinking more bells and whistles will do the trick.


You have to start with the words. You won’t have a website that generates new customers if you don’t focus first on your overall marketing message and the copy you put on your website.

You have to clearly explain to people that you understand the problem they are facing. Then, introduce your product or service as the answer to that problem. Highlight the success or transformation people will experience after using your product or service.

By focusing your message on your customer, you’re making them the hero of the story. [Spoiler alert: Your business is not the hero.] Your role is to guide your customers and clients to a successful resolution of their problem.

Once your message is clear, you’ll be able to write powerful copy for your website.

Consider this statistic: 75% of consumers say they judge a company’s credibility based on the company’s website design.

Want more tips on how to organize your website so it sells? Download my free guide: 3 Things Missing from Your Website

2. Email Campaigns

Quick quiz:

  • Do you have a way to collect email addresses of potential customers?
  • Are you emailing current and potential customers regularly?
  • Are you sending emails full of valuable information or blasting people with “buy now” offers?

Email marketing should be an integral part of your marketing strategy. I would argue it’s the No. 1 way to stay top of mind with your customers and prospects. Even if subscribers don’t open every single email you send, they still see the name of your business in their inbox.

If your current email strategy is haphazard or non-existent, commit to putting real effort into email in 2022. Statistics show us that email marketing works. Did you make a purchase on Black Friday or Cyber Monday as a result of an email you received? I did. A lot of us did.

Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies. If you’re just getting started and don’t have a large list of contacts, you can sign up for a free or low-cost plan through services like MailChimp.

Make sure you have a way to collect email addresses. Create a free lead generator (a video, a PDF guide, a checklist, etc.). Offer people a valuable resource in exchange for their email address.

Then, make sure you’re emailing your list at least once a month (more if you have the bandwidth).

Don’t just blast people with “buy now” emails. About 80% of your email content should be valuable. I email my list weekly with a short marketing tip or video. I want to help my subscribers improve their marketing and grow their business. I’m earning their trust by sharing great content, so they’ll be apt to look at the emails asking them to make a purchase.

3. Social Media

I know, I know, it’s the necessary evil of marketing! We know social media can be a really important piece of our marketing strategy, but we also know it can be tough to keep up with the ever-changing algorithms. It takes time to do it well. We have to show up consistently and thoughtfully.

Let me give you permission to think differently about social media. Don’t feel as if you have to be everywhere all the time. Look at your existing social media accounts and assess what’s working. Focus on the one or two places where your target audience is hanging out.

Is LinkedIn where you need to be? Focus your time and energy on LinkedIn. Do you have a successful Facebook Group? Put your attention there.

My potential clients aren’t likely to be spending a ton of time on TikTok, so I’m not worried about having a presence on TikTok.

If you’re struggling with what to post, revisit that clear marketing message (another reason to have one!). Share content that addresses your customer’s problems and share valuable solutions, resources and tips. Be generous. You’ll ultimately be rewarded for it.

Marketing can feel overwhelming if you aren’t sure where to start. And it’s easy to waste time and money on the wrong things. I hope this checklist was helpful in giving you a plan for where to focus your time and energy.


Ready to turn your marketing ideas into action?

If you’ve ever thought: “I wish I had someone to bounce my marketing ideas off of! … Now you do! Get guidance, feedback and accountability to effectively market your business.

I’ve just launched Marketing Brainstorming Sessions so you can stop letting your awesome marketing ideas languish on a sticky note. Turn your ideas into action steps, get accountability to stay on track, and finally market your organization the way you’ve always wanted.

Get all the details and register online.

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