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Focus on Your Customer’s Success

An important part of your brand story should be your customer’s success. It sounds obvious, but I find a lot of businesses don’t spend much (or any!) time talking about the success their customers will experience as a result of using their product or service. 

You need to talk about your customer’s success on your website, in emails, in social media posts and other marketing materials. Take a look at the homepage of your website and note all the ways you communicate your customer’s success. This doesn’t mean your success. Don’t talk about your business success or how awesome your business is. Remember, the customer is the hero and you’re simply the guide coming alongside to lead them to success. Talk about that success. 

Here are some ways you can begin to think about your customer’s success: Highlight your customer's success

  • How will your customer or client be transformed after doing business with you? Will they be more organized? Will they be healthier? Will they be a better public speaker? Jot down that identity transformation. 
  • Make a list of all the success customers will experience after using your product or service. What benefits will they enjoy? Write down 10 or 12 successes. It might be things like: save time, save money, be more productive, lose weight, run a marathon.
  • Ask your clients and customers how their life or their business has improved after they worked with you. It’s likely you’ll start to hear some of the same responses. Those are the elements of success you’ll want to highlight in your marketing. 

Take that list of successes and pick the top five or six that will really resonate with potential customers or clients. These are the ones you want to incorporate into your marketing copy. Make it crystal clear how much your business can help.

Paint a picture of success

It’s not just words that communicate success. Your marketing images can go a long way toward painting a picture of success. For your website, choose images that communicate the success your customers will have. Think smiling, happy people. Don’t fall into the trap of using images that illustrate the problem people are facing. Instead, let them see how much better life can be. 

Use success images on your website, in your social media posts and in videos or other marketing collateral. You want potential customers to visit your website and say, “Those people are so happy! I need that too!” 

Audit your website and current marketing and you’ll likely find you’re downplaying the elements of success. Make that one change and see how it impacts your business. 


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