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Holly Fisher Earns StoryBrand Guide Certification

StoryBrand Guide

Holly A. Fisher, CEO of Fisher Creative LLC, has been certified as a StoryBrand Guide, helping businesses and nonprofits clarify their message and create a marketing strategy that works. Fisher completed the four-day StoryBrand Guide training in February in Nashville, Tennessee. She is one of four StoryBrand Guides in South Carolina.

Holly FisherCreated by best-selling author Donald Miller, StoryBrand has helped more than 3,000 business leaders clarify their message. Many businesses have reported doubling, tripling and even quadrupling their revenue while spending less, not more, on their marketing efforts.

The experienced team at Fisher Creative works with small to mid-sized businesses and nonprofit organizations to help them create a clear message that filters into marketing materials and a social media strategy that brings them customers, clients and supporters.

“Creating a clear message should be the No. 1 priority for any organization. Potential customers and donors make decisions about your organization in a matter of seconds. If you haven’t clearly explained who you are, what problems you solve and how easy it is to work with you, that potential customer will be gone and you lost a sale,” Fisher said. “The StoryBrand framework uses the power of story combined with clear, focused language to create a message, a website, sales tools, social media campaigns and more. I have invested in this training because I believe it’s an extremely powerful tool, and I’m excited to introduce it to more organizations.”

StoryBrand GuideFisher and her team will continue to work with organizations on social media marketing and public relations, while offering a new set of marketing packages that use the StoryBrand framework to help businesses and nonprofits create a clear message, revamp their websites and write email marketing campaigns, sales letters, lead-generating reports and more.

Schedule a free StoryBrand consultation call to learn how clarifying your message will set you apart from your customers and grow your business.

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