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How Should Businesses Prioritize Their Marketing in 2023?

2023 Marketing Checklist

When it comes to marketing your business, you could go in a hundred different directions. Marketing is a big bucket that encompasses your website, social media, emails, advertising, speaking engagements and more. 

Where do you begin? 

A lot of companies waste big bucks on marketing because they don’t know where to put their dollars. They get caught up in whatever’s shiny and new (looking at you, TikTok dances). 

Now, I’m not against trying new marketing tactics. But my guess is you don’t have an unlimited marketing budget. That means you need to prioritize the marketing tasks that give you the best return. You need marketing that works. 

To help you prioritize your marketing for 2023, I’ve put together a list of three places to start. If you simply focus on these three things this year, you’ll be light years ahead of your competitors.

1. Get a clear and concise marketing message.

You can spend thousands of dollars on digital advertising but if people don’t understand what you do and how you can solve their problem, it’s money wasted.

Your potential customers and clients are bombarded with marketing messages. The only way you can stand out is by talking about their problem and how you solve it. Keep it clear. Keep it concise. 

In my work with clients, I use the StoryBrand Marketing Framework to clarify their message so customers listen and engage. It’s a powerful and proven tool based on key elements of storytelling. 

2. If your website isn’t generating leads, fire it!

Your website should be your No. 1 salesperson. If your site isn’t bringing you sales or leads, it’s little more than a placeholder on the internet. Make 2023 the year you redo your website. 

Pro tip: Start by clarifying your message and then build your website. 

Your website should speak to your customers’ problem, the solution you offer, and the success they will experience after working with you. The website should give potential customers and clients a clear path on how to do business with you. And it should have one, direct call to action so site visitors know exactly what you want them to do. 

Check out this video for more signs it’s time to redo your website: 

3. Focus on your email list.

Are you emailing potential customers and clients on a regular basis? If not, you’re sitting on a goldmine! 

Too many businesses have hundreds – and sometimes even thousands – of emails for current and potential customers. Where are those emails? Languishing in an Excel spreadsheet somewhere. 

You should send nurture emails to your list at least twice a month and weekly if you can. Don’t panic if that feels like too much! These emails should be short. They should provide value. These emails will keep you top of mind and position you as an authority in your space. 

If you are emailing your list at least twice a month, you get a gold star! Now, make sure you’re continuing to build that email list. If you don’t have a lead generator on your website, add one. Collect email addresses at events you host. Make it easy for people to opt in to your email list via your social media networks. 

And there you have it: your marketing priorities for 2023! Don’t get caught up in chasing every marketing idea until you’ve nailed these three tasks. Once your message is clear, your website is attracting buyers, and you’re sending regular emails, then you can make a TikTok dance video. 

Still a little fuzzy on your next best steps? I can help! Book a one-hour marketing strategy session for $349. We’ll talk about your business, brainstorm ideas and determine your best next steps for marketing that will grow your business. Book your session today! 

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