Now offering Unreasonable Hospitality coaching and workshops to transform your customer experience.

September Presentation: Clarify Your Message So Customers Listen

StoryBrand Presentation in Charleston

When it comes to talking about their businesses, many people are so close to their products or services they don’t know where to start. The StoryBrand Marketing Framework helps companies understand what customers are looking for, so they can tell their story in such a way people listen.

The human brain is drawn to CLARITY and away from confusion. If customers are confused about what you offer, they’ll look past you for somebody who can say it clearly.

StoryBrand Presentation in Charleston

photo/Stan Foxworthy

Holly Fisher is CEO of Fisher Creative LLC and a StoryBrand Certified Guide. Join her for a 90-minute presentation where you’ll be introduced to the StoryBrand Marketing Framework to see how creating a clear message will help you connect with customers and grow your business.

8:30-10 a.m.
Thursday, Sept. 6
Harbor Entrepreneur Center, 1505 King Street Ext., Suite 200, Charleston, SC 29405

Participants receive:

  • An overview of the StoryBrand Marketing Framework and how it can help you clarify your message and communicate to customers in a way that gets them to respond.
  • Steps for creating a one-liner so no more stumbling over the question, “What do you do?”
  • Review of a few workshop participants’ websites to demonstrate how making some simple changes to your website can grow your business.
  • A copy of the book “Building a StoryBrand” by Donald Miller.
  • Light refreshments and coffee.

Who should attend? Anyone eager to increase sales. The StoryBrand framework is appropriate for any size business, nonprofit organizations, personal brands and solopreneurs.

Tickets are just $45, but space is limited so hurry and sign up.

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